How to Clean your Home after Builders Have Been There - Myom Cleaning Services
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How to Clean your Home after Builders Have Been There

It’s always a mess after builders have been. Lots of dirt and grime that seems impossible to remove. But don’t worry, with a little elbow grease and the right products, you can get your home clean and back to normal in no time!

Here are some tips on how to clean your home after builders have been there!

Open your windows

Once the builders have finished and gone, the first thing you’ll want to do is open all the windows and doors to air out the place. If possible, try to do this on a sunny day as the natural light will help show up any dirt and grime.

Cleaning supplies you’ll need

Next, you’ll need to gather your cleaning supplies. For this job, you’ll need a broom and dustpan to sweep up any dirt and debris, a bucket of warm water, dish soap or all-purpose cleaner, rags or sponges, vinegar (optional), and window cleaner, and paper towels.

How to clean your floors

Your floors will likely be the dirtiest part of your home after builders have been there. To clean them, start by sweeping up any dirt, dust, or other debris with your broom and dustpan.

If you have carpeted floors, you may want to rent a carpet cleaner or hire a professional cleaning service to deep clean them for you. If you have hardwood or tile floors, use your mop or sponge and bucket of warm water to give them a thorough cleaning.

To remove any grime that may be stuck in the nooks and crannies of your floors, try using vinegar on a rag or sponge. Just dampen the rag with vinegar, then scrub away at the dirt.

Once your floors are clean, finish up by mopping with plain water to remove any cleaner residue. Be sure to let your floors dry completely before walking on them or moving furniture back into the room.

How to clean your walls

Your walls will likely need a good cleaning as well, especially if they were painted recently. To clean them, start by dusting them with a dry rag or microfiber cloth to remove any cobwebs or loose dirt.

Next, use a damp rag or sponge and your chosen cleaner (dish soap or all-purpose cleaner will work just fine) to wipe down the walls. Be sure to rinse your rag or sponge often to avoid spreading dirt around.

If you have any stubborn stains or marks on your walls, you may need to use a little elbow grease and scrub them with a brush. Once your walls are clean, finish up by wiping them down with a damp cloth to remove any cleaner residue.

How to clean your windows and mirrors

After all the dust and grime have been removed from your walls, it’s time to tackle the windows and mirrors.

To clean your windows, start by using a squeegee or paper towel to wipe down any excess dirt or grime. Then, use a window cleaner (such as Windex) on your microfiber cloth or rag to clean the windows and mirrors. For tough spots or stains, you may need to use a little elbow grease to get them off.

Once your windows are clean, finish by wiping down the tracks with a damp cloth to remove any cleaner residue before turning your attention to other areas of your home.

How to clean your bathroom

The bathroom is one of the places that will likely need a good cleaning after builders have been there. To clean it, start by removing any trash or debris that may be in the sink or on the floor.

Then, use a toilet brush to scrub the inside of the toilet bowl and remove any dirt or grime. After that, use a cleaner (such as dish soap or all-purpose cleaner) and a rag or sponge to wipe down the rest of the bathroom. Be sure to pay extra attention to areas like the shower, sink, and toilet.

To clean the mirror, use a window cleaner on a microfiber cloth or rag and wipe it down. For tough spots or stains, you may need to use a little elbow grease to get them off.

Once your bathroom is clean, finish up by wiping down any surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any cleaner residue.

How to clean your kitchen

The kitchen is another area of your home that will likely need a good cleaning after builders have been there. To clean it, start by removing any appliances and cleaning them separately.

Then, use a sponge or rag with your chosen cleaner (vinegar or dish soap) to wipe down the walls, cabinets, counters, and floors. Pay extra attention to areas like the sink and stove that may be more difficult to clean. If needed, you can use a little elbow grease to remove any tough stains or spots.

After your kitchen is clean, finish up by wiping down any surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any cleaner residue before moving on to other areas of your home.

How to clean your living room

The living room is another area of your home that will likely need a good cleaning after builders have been there. To clean it, start by removing any furniture that may be in the way.

Then, use a vacuum or broom to sweep up all of the dirt and dust that has accumulated on your floors. Once your floors are free from any dirt or grime, you can use a damp cloth with your chosen cleaner (dish soap or all-purpose cleaner) to wipe them down.

After your floors are clean, you can move on to cleaning the rest of your living room. Use a microfiber cloth or rag with your chosen cleaner to wipe down any surfaces, such as tables, chairs, and shelves. If needed, you can use a little elbow grease to remove any tough stains or spots.

Once your living room is clean, finish up by wiping down all surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any cleaner residue before turning your attention to other areas of your home

Whether you’re dealing with builders who have been in your home or simply want to clean up after a party, these tips will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Your house will be spotless in no time if you put in the effort and use the appropriate cleaning products.
